SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Unfortunately, it rained. It's been a few years since I've somehow come to understand what barometric pressure does to the mind. Regardless of that, this evening I had Hanatomoe, a famous sake from Nara. Is the product name "hanatomoe new nama-zake" on the back? It says, "Since 2017, we have been making all of our sake without yeast." The owner of my favorite liquor store told me that the acidity was rather like that of a lemon, and that alone gave me a refreshing feeling, so I bought it immediately. The first sip gave me a light sensation on the palate that was different from that of Hanaboe, which is made from mizu-hashiroshi (water-brewed yeast). It is perfect for this time of year, which includes a slight hint of the rainy season in spring. After drinking sake, I usually feel tired of washing the plate of side dishes, but this light sake doesn't let me do so. For a while, washing the dishes had hardened inside me and become a meaningless activity, but today's sake made washing the dishes pleasant. I feel lighthearted that such a low-pressure day is possible. I had shied away from sake with low alcohol content, but I relearn the self-evident truth that I should use the right sake at the right time and the right place.