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Ishizuchi純米 土用酒純米
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July 30, 2023 Drinking sake in the evening at home. Drinking sake on the occasion of the day of the Ox. This year, I chose Ishizuchi's sake, which I have been interested in for a long time. I had been curious about it for a long time. It has a melon-like aroma when you first taste it. The first sip has a slightly strong sweet taste. The first sip has a slightly strong sweetness. The first sip has a slightly strong sweetness, followed by umami and acidity. The last taste is a pleasant alcohol taste. The back palate is crisp, and the fat from the eel is washed away smoothly. and the fat of the eel is washed away smoothly. It is a versatile food wine that goes well with a variety of dishes. It is a versatile food sake that goes well with a variety of dishes. It is a versatile food sake that goes well with a variety of dishes. fish sashimi, beef stew, fried yam, etc. and deep-fried yam.