From Ayagiku Shuzo, Kagawa Prefecture...
Ayagiku Junmai Ginjo Namaishu
This is one of the few "Ayagiku" series that is a pure sake type!
There are quite a few unpasteurized sake types, but there are not many unpasteurized sake types.
This junmai ginjo sake is made from 100% Kagawa sake rice "Oceto"!
Junmai Ginjo-shu is made in early spring and bottled as is.
The aroma on the nose is pleasant and refreshing, reminiscent of a fresh sake, and in the mouth it has a juicy fruity aroma reminiscent of melon, and the flavor of the rice spreads with just the right amount of flavor, and the core acidity typical of "Ayagiku" and a pleasant bitter taste give it a good finish ♫
It has a good finish with a pleasant bitterness and a core acidity typical of "AYAGIKU".
It can be served with a wide range of meals, from light dishes such as sashimi and carpaccio to more robust dishes such as meuniere and grilled chicken (salted).
Raw material rice・・・・・Ouseto 100% from Kagawa Prefecture
Polishing ratio・・・・60
Sake degree・・・・+2.5 (slightly dry)
Alcohol content: 17