SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
媛一会純米吟醸 吟風 火入れ原酒純米吟醸槽しぼり
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It's a race against time! For the last sake of the night, the master brought us a sake from Ehime! The blue label looks great! We drank it in a cup! He put it in a 2-gallon bottle and we all drank it together! It's a citrusy 🍊 reminiscent of the citrus fruits of Ehime! It was like having 4 cups of 4 different kinds of sake, but now I can finally enjoy drinking it with my friends! I'll be sure to take precautions against infection! Let's come again! There is a rumor that the sake will arrive in a little while! knowledge The aroma is gentle and elegantly citrusy, with a clean mouthfeel, but a juicy sweetness supported by refreshing acidity that spreads and makes you smile. After two years of aging, it has developed into a soft, rich and delicious sake that retains its cute nuances. Enjoy it cold for a light taste, or room temperature or lukewarm for a nice weight.