During year-end trip home 🏠3
Sensation WHITE Gen2 Old-style Nama-moto 2024-2025 Nama-shu
Rice for Mother Rice : Watabune No.2 from Hyogo Prefecture
Koji Rice : Shiga Prefecture Watafune No.2
Kake Rice : Yamadanishiki from Hyogo Prefecture
Rice Polishing Ratio : 50
Yeast : Kyokai 1001
It is a deliciously sweet sake.
The richness of the sake's yeast yeast and a little acidity make it a mildly delicious sake.
The white type is easier to drink than the yellow type.
New Year's Day 🎍 Hatsumode at Hiyoshi Taisha Shrine 🎍.
The weather was nice and warm when the sun shone and there was no wind. ☀️