SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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The color of the wine is pale and yellowish and the water quality is soft. The nose has traces of alcohol, but is generally closed and has a sweet element to it. It's not, and it's refreshing. On the palate, the attack is light but spicy and acidic at first, with a light bitterness in the throat. As the nose is released later, it has a dry impression. The aftertaste is short and crisp. Slightly textured on the palate, with a coating of moisture that covers the flavor and acidity of the sake. The taste profile is accentuated in the aftertaste. Scene: Drinks in the house Dishes include spicy meat dishes, spicy flavored Good for Chinese dishes such as Mapo (bean curd) tofu. Environment: 16°C As the bottle was just opened, the quality of the wine is a little unstable in some respects, but at this temperature, it has a spicy aroma and acidity. It has a good balance between the two. If you feel a strong sour and bitter taste, lower the temperature to about 2°C.