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Echizenmisaki純米大吟醸 火入れ瓶囲い 29BY純米大吟醸
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29BY Manufactured in February 2007 Opened in November 2020 I don't understand it because Heisei, Seiryo and Reiwa are mixed up😑. I'd put them all in the Western calendar. 2018BY Produced in February 2019 Opened in November 2021 Found this about a month ago when I was cleaning out my room! I mean, I always thought it was shochu😅. It was around 2019 when I was drinking mainly shochu, and I don't remember why I bought this sake 🤔. Probably Hokuriku products exhibition in a department store. It's a bottle, and when I checked, it's 5,500 yen including tax😧 It had been sitting at room temperature for two and a half years, so I was anxious to open it! I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm sure you'll agree. I'm so glad I did. I was relieved at first. Sweet, bitter, and a little sour 😆 . Is this the result of 2 years of aging? It's kind of addictive😋 I've heard that sake becomes vinegar when left unattended. I heard that sake turns into "vinegar" when left unattended, but I guess that was just a myth 🙄. I can finish a whole bottle without any problems at all 😉.