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Chiyodaguraフクノハナ 特別純米生原酒原酒生酒
Chiyodagura Check-in 1Chiyodagura Check-in 2
Probably about minus 2 on the sake scale. Relatively sweet and low acidity. As it is pure rice, the rice flavor is strong. The fact that it does not call itself a ginjo despite the 60% rice polishing ratio suggests that it is conscious of branding. FUKU-NO-HANA seems to be a rice suitable for brewing, but is it a rare rice that is used to make this special pure rice? No reason was given. The aroma is said to be fruity, but it is not so much, it smells like medicine. This is the first time I've had a medicinal smell, so I felt the depth of sake and the complexity of the brewing process, but it wasn't pleasant. When heated up, the medicinal smell lessened somewhat, but it was still there. I was expecting a fruity ginjo aroma, so I was disappointed.