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Shichihon'yariシェリー樽熟成 純米酒純米古酒
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I will give it to you sequentially for 5 bottles. It's a 2016 aged in sherry casks by Shichibonshari. It has been stored at home since I bought it. Percentage: 60%. Rice: Tamakae Bottled: February 2008 The color seems to be both due to aging and the influence of the barrels. The aroma is a mixture of sherry and a little sake-like. The nose has a hint of sherry, which almost fools you into thinking it is sherry, but it is not as mellow as one might expect from a sherry due to the fact that it is an Oloroso. The taste is not as mellow as one might expect from a sherry. If anything, the taste alone is a bit oaky. The aftertaste is very nice. Unlike sherry, it is not fortified, so you can enjoy the pleasant aftertaste of sherry-like and sake-like flavor without the alcohol taste. However, it is difficult to find the right moment to drink it, not at the beginning or at the end, but maybe at the timing of the second drink from there. I would enjoy it with dried fruits, Western desserts, or on its own.