SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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和食居酒屋 田福
We went to an izakaya (Japanese style bar) with a colleague from outside of the prefecture who loves sake. We challenged ourselves with a brand we hadn't seen before 😄. Yopa Memo The label that makes you smile (or laugh) The label seems to be based on a local specialty of the prefecture Nothing to do with the contents Common view with people who are used to drinking 😅🙂🙂. ⬇️ Well, the aroma and taste are both indistinct... That's one word 😤. In other words, it doesn't convey the principle... 🥺. I think it would be good if there was more of a "we're going with this" attitude. The label is the best attention-getter.... But it was smooth and delicious 😋😋😋.