只野 呑兵衛
I'm still drinking even though I have gout.
Good sake, good ramen.
Hi, it's been a while since I've posted anything.
I've been drinking, of course, but I don't have time to post when I'm drinking and eating so much.
This is a ramen izakaya that I've been frequenting recently.
The manager's personality is very charming.
And the manager recommends Shichisui in Tochigi.
I thought the pure rice flavor was coming (Zakiyama style), but to my surprise, I found a melon flavor.
Is it the yeast or the rice...it has a lot of melon flavor with green pulp.
Well, I recently had a local green-fleshed melon, so there is no doubt about it!
Melon flavor, or melon flavor?
Aftertaste: a slight rice "flutter" (can you tell if you've ever held a piece of paper together with rice? A hint of porridge...more and more and more sloppy) feeling.
I'm sorry, the manager is suspicious of my line with the cabaret lady... lol...
By the way, the event is still going on.
If you find her, please ask her.
Now I'm going to eat some horse sashimi, and then I think I'm going to finish up.