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KudokijozuJr.のジューシー辛口 改。純米大吟醸生酒生詰酒
Kudokijozu Check-in 1
What's the deal with juicy and dry? I'm too curious to know if it can be both. Jacket value... 6/10 Why is the lady in the photo wearing sunglasses? Occurrence ... 17/20 Odor=Slight koji smell, not much, juicy but not fruity, koji type, and dry Alc stimulation from the beginning. Sei... 20/20 The dry burning is not too strong nor too weak, but the output is very good, and the combo of acidity and sweetness is also delicious! The texture is perfect with no clinging feeling! Turning point ... 17/20 The juiciness is reduced and the spiciness is increased... The dryness is still there... The sweetness could be a little more persistent... Yui ... 16/20 The burning sensation lasts until the end, or rather, it lingers a lot. Unfortunately, the burning sensation is not compatible with the good texture, which is the concept, but it may be too much of a burning sensation. Cospa ... 9/10 I feel that this company always makes a great effort. The sweetness is moderate, but if you want a big hit, it's a must-try. 85 points
It's a good sake as it is, but I can't help but think that the lady in the photo looks like a hot-air bat. The lady in the photo looks like a hot-air fatty.