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Gangiノ弐 初搾り 新酒 純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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joy-cafe 旭川豊岡店
Asahikawa, Ogawa Shoten Beautiful white peach and pear-like ginjo aroma Moist mouthfeel Luxurious sweetness: ⭕️ Moderate overall acidity: ⭕️ Pleasant umami lingers in the aftertaste. This is what we call unfiltered raw sake. Aromatic and rich taste with a very delicate and wonderful aftertaste. Very delicate and wonderful aftertaste: ⭕️⭕️ Following the Junmai, this is the second new GANKI sake! Raw material rice Yamadanishiki Polishing degree 50%. Alcohol 17%, Sake meter rating +2