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Sanuki Cloudy讃岐くらうでぃにごり酒
イッスィI was curious to buy it because it was described as a nigori sake with a creamy, sweet and refreshing taste. Although I knew it was not a high road sake, it looked delicious and I ventured in without thinking. As a result, it was very was not like sake, but it was sweet and easy to drink. I ended up emptying the four-pack lol. It had a strong flavor and was perfect to drink with food!
ma-ki-Good evening, Mr. Issy. I can't believe how easy it is to drink this sake 🎵. I took a sip and exclaimed "What the heck is this? It is a refreshing and tasty drink on a hot day. ☺️
イッスィGood evening, ma-ki-san 🌙 Thank you for your comment! It's really dangerous to drink it so smoothly 😁. I drank it knowing that it wouldn't be like sake, but I was still surprised 😆.