SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
関山関山の辛口 ばんけい温泉 湯人家(ゆのとや)本醸造生酒
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We stayed at a hot spring hotel in Oku-Toya! They have a variety of sake! This sake is named after the inn. A little dry! A little dry. It's fresh because it's unpasteurized! The food is amazing! We were told that Genghis Khan was recommended, so we had lots of meat and vegetables! And we drank a bottle! For lunch, we had a lunch menu at Fukurokuju, which we couldn't go to at night! Next week? We will go to Fukurokuju! And today, I made my debut in Musashikosugi 🌉🍶! knowledge and skills 15% alcohol by volume Rice polishing ratio 65