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Mimurosugiろまんシリーズ Dio Abita特別純米原酒
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Mimuro cedar Romain series Dio Abita I've never had Mimuro Sugi before 😭. I have never had Mimuro Sugi before 😭 I've never had Mimuro Sugi before 😭 The fact that this series won an award last year and this year is the trigger for me to have it. I'll take it as a start 😭 I've been drinking this series since last year and this year 😭 🙇🏻 Low alcohol, easy to drink and very beautiful taste. It's like a silky smooth drink that just goes right through you. But it also leaves a little bit of sweetness. Delicious on the first sip: ❗️ Nara does a great job - lol! Ingredients: Rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic) Rice: 100% Yamadanishiki Polishing ratio 60 Alcohol content: 13% (Unpasteurized)