SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Gasanryu Check-in 1
Gasanryu Check-in 2Gasanryu Check-in 3
When we think of Yamagata Prefecture's sake, we think of that legendary sake... but this time it's Gazanryu! And it's the one that's only available at a certain store in Ichigaya! I've already drank a cup of Tasake I opened the other day, but I'm going to drink even more! And tomorrow is my day off too! When you open the bottle, the aroma is fruity, though it's not very strong. When you put it in your mouth, it is light at first, but it has the richness that only unfiltered sake can have, and the umami of rice that seems to stick to the inside of your mouth! This is a very good unfiltered sake! When cooled down, the light acidity makes it go down smoothly. It seems to be the type of sake that can be drunk in large gulps due to its short aftertaste🤗This is quite excellent as a food sake. I think it is a spec that can be served with any kind of snacks. Thank you very much for the drink!