SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Rihaku純米吟醸 赤磐産雄町100%使用純米吟醸原酒生酒生詰酒
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This is delicious💕 We received our first Shimane sake, newly arrived at our favorite liquor store. When poured into a glass, a slight ginjo aroma wafted through the air, and as soon as you took a sip, the fruity texture of the floral yeast spread softly on your tongue, and it went down your throat quickly. A slight sweetness lingers on the palate, and in no time at all, the first glass is empty, leaving you wanting a second glass. The aftertaste is so refreshing that you will forget the feeling of the first cup and want to drink it one after another, but the alcohol content is high because it is an original sake.