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Mimurosugi Check-in 1
Mimurosugi Check-in 2Mimurosugi Check-in 3
This time it's Mimuro-Sugi, another sake from Nara Prefecture's Imanishi Sake Brewery! I am so impressed with Imanishi Sake Brewery that when I think of Nara Prefecture, I think of Imanishi Sake Brewery. The last time I drank Harushika, it was delicious! I have known the name of this sake for a long time, but I never had a chance to buy it, so I decided to buy it. It is 100% Yamadanishiki, so my expectations were high! Well, opening the bottle...ah, this has a nice aroma. Sake that is good from the first aroma is also good when drunk. When you take a sip, the clear, gentle sweetness and umami spread through your mouth! When you swallow it, a sharp acidity spreads and disappears quickly. The taste is very elegant. The alcohol content of 15% may be one of the reasons why it feels so light on the palate. Goes well with slightly darker chicken! I feel it is similar to AKABU from Iwate. It probably goes well with fish as well. It seems to go well with simmered fish. Thank you for another great sake!