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Kawanakajima Genbu幻舞 純米吟醸 金紋錦純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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I've been checking in to Nagano Prefecture more and more lately. The "Shinshu Kameari Junmai Sake" we drank the other day is refreshing and perfect for sipping. On the other hand, this one has a gorgeous aroma and is very fruity, so I think it's better to drink it by itself. All of Nagano prefecture is delicious. They are all great sakes. Raw rice: 100% Kinmon Nishiki from Nagano Prefecture Polishing ratio 55 aic 16 Toji Mariko Chino
Good evening, kzsk1017. All the sake from Nagano prefecture is delicious. I was lucky to find a brand that is in short supply.