SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Kobayashi Shuzo Bandai Tachiharu Asa Shibori Junmai Ginjo! This is the one that the breweries participating in the Meimon Sake Kai do in various places. The ratio of rice: 58%. Rice: 80% Yume-Ichikyo, 20% Yamadanishiki Strength: 16%. It has a slight golden color. It has a sweet, flowery aroma. The taste is slightly thickened, and the sweet aroma spreads on the palate without any acidity. (The taste is not acidic, but has a sweet aroma.) The taste is not very sharp, and the bitterness is a little stronger this year than last year. The empty glass also smells of seme. This is the kind of sake you want to drink deep into the night in a fluffy state.