From Kinryo Nishino in Kagawa Prefecture...
Kinryo Junmai Ginjo (INITIAL A) White
Kuzuhara, Tadotsu-cho, Kagawa Prefecture, where Kinryo Hachiman Brewery is located, has been known since ancient times as a rich agricultural area with many springs and good water.
This junmai ginjo is brewed with rice (edible rice) "#Aki Geshiki" carefully cultivated by local farmers using this famous water!
Initial A" = "AKIGESHIKI".
The aroma is faintly sweet and fruity, with a gentle, light sweetness and a fluffy rice flavor that spreads on the palate.
The second half of the wine has a mild acidity and a pleasant bitter bitterness characteristic of "AKIGESHIKI", and a refreshing aftertaste follows.
It is recommended to be served moderately chilled. It is good with sashimi, carpaccio, grilled fish, vegetable tempura, and a wide range of other dishes.
Ingredient rice: 100% Akigeshiki produced in Kagawa prefecture (・・・・)
Rice polishing ratio: 58
Sake degree -2.5 (slightly sweet)
Acidity: ・・・・・1.4
Amino acidity: 1.8
Alcohol content: 15 to 16 degrees Celsius