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Kudokijozu純米大吟醸 Jr.の四年目の夏純米大吟醸生詰酒
Kudokijozu Check-in 1Kudokijozu Check-in 2
Kudokijozu Check-in 3Kudokijozu Check-in 4
October 31, 2023 Japanese sake and food at Miketsubi in Matsuyama City. We were served the recommended brands during the meal. The fifth glass was Kudokidote Jr.'s Yonenen no Natsu. Kudokidobuchi is a brand that I personally think is quite rich and sweet. Kudokidobeki is a brand that I personally think of as very rich and sweet. I wondered, "Is it really really go well with food? I wondered, "Will it really go well with food? but it is surprisingly good. It is fruity and sweet, but the bitterness but the bitterness finishes it off well. Assorted tempura (oyster, shrimp, octopus silk-skinned eggplant, bamboo shoots, sweet long pepper, and I enjoyed it with assorted tempura (oysters, prawns, octopus, silken skin eggplant, makomodake mushrooms, sweet long pepper, and red haruka).