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Toyobijin特吟 純米大吟醸 愛山純米大吟醸
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We opened a bottle of Junmai Daiginjo, by far the most expensive looking Junmai Daiginjo in a leather bag! My mother was visiting, so I took the opportunity to bring it out and open it. I got the impression that the fruitiness became stronger after the second day than right after opening the bottle. I'm drinking an expensive Junmai Daiginjo. !!!! It has a lot of easy-to-understand ginjo flavor. It would be served as an aperitif before a French course. Toyo Bijin has a lot of gentle sakes, don't you think? I started drinking a lot of Toyo Bijin because of "Bijin Buri", a brand of yellowtail eating Toyo Bijin's sake lees, and so far I have the impression that it is "gentle" ☺️.