SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Shotoku特別純米 ショートク 生酛祝
Shotoku Check-in 1Shotoku Check-in 2
Shotoku Check-in 3Shotoku Check-in 4
The label is "Shotoku" in katakana, a novelty. We use 100% of Kyoto's original sake rice "Shukyu"! It's not easy to drink in Tokyo! It's hard to find in Tokyo! It's hard to find in Tokyo! Let's take a sip... ⁈This is ⤴︎ The rice is packed with flavor. It's packed with rice flavor, and it spreads in your mouth. It's dancing 💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼 delicious! And later, the aged flavor! The mouthfeel and flavor is rich and I also enjoyed the lingering taste from the acidity♪♪