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Fuji Taikan首席受賞酒純米大吟醸原酒袋吊り斗瓶取り
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100% Yamadanishiki, 40% polished rice Alcohol content 15%. Winner of the top prize in the Junmai-shu category of the 103rd (2022) Nanbu Touji Sake Competition As soon as the bottle is opened, it has a gorgeous aroma. It has a slightly colored, strong and robust flavor. As you continue to drink, the spiciness comes in spurts. Happy New Year, everyone! I have been looking forward to the opening of the first bottle of the new year, having decided to drink this one from the moment I got it, while taking better care of myself than usual. It is a very limited 21 bottles from the same tank that was awarded the top prize by Morishima Shuzo, whose "Morishima" is now the center of attention. It's the most expensive sake I've ever had, but New Year's Day is special✨. Let's have some good sake this year!