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Sotenboじゃんげ 瓶囲い 超辛口純米生貯蔵酒
Sotenbo Check-in 1
Sotenbo Check-in 2Sotenbo Check-in 3
Jange" is an interesting and delicious sake brewed with the playful spirit of the ninth generation. The rice is hand-rolled, the "steaming rice steamer" and "box koji method" are used, and the sake is produced under the same level of production control as daiginjo-style sake. Bottle enclosure is the difference in the method of storing the squeezed sake directly in a bottle instead of storing it in a tank. The advantage of this method is that the sake can be easily stored in a refrigerator, making it easier to produce better sake in terms of temperature control. Rice used: 100% Niigata rice Rice polishing ratio: 65 Alcohol content: 16%. Sake degree: +15 Acidity: 1.6 Mild rice aroma Flat mouthfeel Moderate sweetness, acidity, umami, bitterness Sharp sharpness despite being a junmai sake Yet, the sharpness has a grace? It has a graceful finish! The aftertaste is not beautiful, but the sharpness is beautiful. I was impressed by the fact that it has a character that leaves nothing behind!