SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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I often go to the antenna stores around where I work, but my destinations are limited to Ginza or Yurakucho. On this particular day, I went a little further to Hibiya and looked at the Kagoshima antenna shop. It may be obvious, but the only sake on the shelves was shochu😅. It is not that I cannot drink shochu, but I was looking for sake. When I was about to leave, I saw a sign in the upper right corner of the fridge that said "Satsushu Masamune" was available! I went closer to see if they had it, and there it was: ‼️ I immediately bought it. I opened the bottle. It has a very light and refreshing aroma. The taste is ............ Huh? Water? and at first it is water. And the taste that follows is like a light, understated shochu 😋 It is neither sweet potato nor barley, so is it a rice shochu I have never had? Anyway, it is not disgusting at all, so I keep drinking it as if I am rehydrating 🤤. It seems to go well with anything 😅. Good night as I have tomorrow 😊.