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Matsuokina純米酒 しぼりたて生 深海酵母
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Souvenirs from Kochi, recommended by a liquor store. I had no idea until I went there that Kochi has a strong sake culture. Even the supermarkets in town stocked large quantities of Kochi's local sake, and although it is not locally produced for local consumption, it was evident that sake has taken root in the local area. This is the first time I encountered this Matsuo sake, and it looks like you can't buy it outside of Kochi or Shikoku. It is fresh, slightly dry and has a nice aroma, as is typical of nama-shu. I personally did not find it to be as light and refreshing as Kochi sake, but it is a delicious sake with a rather rich flavor. It seems that there are still many hidden sake brands in various regions of Japan!