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Yaegiku原酒 天然11年貯蔵原酒古酒
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September 4, 2023 Evening drink at home. I open a bottle of sake to treat my sister who is back home. I opened a bottle of sake to entertain my sister who was returning home. The third bottle was Yaegiku The third bottle was a Yaegiku natural 11-year old sake. It tastes more like a fine brandy than sake. It tastes more like a good brandy than a sake. The balance of aroma and taste is better than that of the 39-year-old sake. It has a better balance of aroma and flavor than the 39-year-old sake, and although it is a sake, it is more approachable. more approachable and more popular with the general public. impression. Like the 39 year old, this one was drunk on the 7th day after opening the bottle. The taste remained almost the same. The taste is almost the same as the 39 year old. Although it is not well-known, it is a Ehime's hidden sake that can be proud of all over the country.
abibuta, I'll leave you here too ☺️ The color is much lighter than the 39 year old one ☺️ It looks delicious too 😄 I really want to try it as I like old wine a lot 😊Thank you for the great post 😄.
>>Mayuko It's subtle in the picture, but it's actually a very beautiful yellow. It is actually a very beautiful yellow 🍶 Both have a Japanese sake-like taste. Both have a Japanese sake-like taste, but the 11 year old tastes more like brandy and the 39 year old tastes more like Shaoxing sake. The 11 year old tastes like brandy and the 39 year old tastes like Shaoxing sake. It's interesting 😄. Interesting 😄.