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Yokoyama Goju純米大吟醸 BLACK
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This is the third bottle of wine I bought in bulk for GW. I was drawn to it by the liquor store's pop-up that said "chilled and in a wine glass". It's slightly sweet but not too light, with a slight floral and mellow feel. The aroma is muscat-like. I think it would go well with any home-style dish that leans toward Japanese cuisine. I opened a bottle at the end of dinner today, and it is perfect with rice cooked with firefly squid and ginger. If you get this one on the Oki Islands, you will be very impressed. It's a local sake with a nice modern touch, but still retains some rusticity 😋. Postscript It goes wonderfully with the sweet and spicy soy sauce flavor. It goes well with slightly sweet teriyaki hamburgers, simmered fish, etc.