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Ishikawa Earthquake and Regional Reconstruction Cooperation Date of production: December 2023 Alcohol content 15 Rice Polishing Ratio・55 Sake rice・Domestic rice Yeast Sake meter Acidity Store / Shineikan Co. Price: 1901 yen (720ml) Recommended temperature range Recommended Cooking Comments Impression・・Ready and thick(^^) It was totally destroyed by the earthquake. What I can do is drink and support now. #Good luck, Ishikawa!
Ma~kun1128. Nice to meet you! It's true that now is the time to leave it to the professionals and support by drinking and buying. I also went around to liquor stores in the city to buy a few bottles, but the damage to the liquor stores was also very serious. Please keep up the good work.
Mr. WOM. Please give me your best regards. This is the liquor store I often buy from, and they have broken over 200 bottles. He said his sales for the year jumped... All I can do now is drink and contribute. I will do what I can.