SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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The first ooki tree When I hear the word "Yamahai," I have an image of strong acidity. This one, as usual, was characterized by its sharp acidity. The top-tasting aroma has a sense of sake behind the acidity. The mouthfeel is rather light, probably due to the crisp acidity. The flavor is not as strong as it should be. The aftertaste is full of sake-like aftertaste, followed by sourness and a strong bitterness. A closer look reveals that it is 18 degrees Celsius. No wonder it hits the back of the throat so hard. Moderately heavy! Thank you very much for the drink!
Good morning, Colonel Lal 😃. Oooh! Ogaki-san ‼️ went for a moderately astringent Tochigi sake 🍶😊It's pretty heavy even if it's a little dry and youthful 😅.
Good morning, J&N 😁. I knew you'd responded to Tochigi Sake ✌️ As you said, he was young and heavy 😋. Not that it matters, but I'm enjoying Kesennuma right now😄I'm going to have a drink tonight with the flounder I caught today🤘.