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Kinryo純米生原酒 ひやおろし純米原酒ひやおろし
Kinryo Check-in 1
Kinryo Junmai Nama-nama sake Hiyakioroshi Alcohol 18-19, Sake degree +6.5, Acidity, Rice polishing 70 Body condition 0 Rice: Akigeshiki #Open date unknown Sake pressed in early spring and stored for a certain period of time in a -5° bottle enclosure. The rice used to make this sake is Akigeshiki, which is a high-quality rice (hanmai: rice for eating). This time, we compared two Kinryo sakes. The aroma and flavor of the rice is full. You can feel the alcohol in it. The aftertaste seems to linger, but it is surprisingly smooth. It was sweet, but the alcohol content covered it (not that there is anything wrong with sweetness). Heavyness? I have the impression that the sweetness is covered up by the alcohol content. For the record of appropriate date: 2024 sake, 97th drink outside (misc. count)