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Glorious Mt.Fuji純米大吟醸 無濾過生原酒 森のくまさん おりがらみ 妙延
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Polishing ratio 50%, Alcohol 16.8%. Rice used: 100% Kumamoto grown Mori no Kumasan Sake degree -4.0, Acidity 1.5 Yeast used: Yamagata yeast Color Nigori (cloudy), oozy, almost calpis-like Aroma Aroma of Japanese pear Taste Strong attack, sweetness followed by bitterness, slight effervescence The sweetness is a light sweetness of Japanese pear and remains until the end. Sourness is strong, with a bitter taste that changes to an alcoholic bitterness. Lingering The bitterness remains. Good as a mid-meal drink ◯-△. Easy to drink on the rocks The Eiko-Fuji style sake. Personally, it is the most delicious ogara-mi sake I've ever tasted.