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Mimurosugiろまんシリーズ Dio Abita原酒
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只野 呑兵衛
Sousaku Izakaya Man Fat https://maps.app.goo.gl/qy8rCNQL7i1M9KN36 This is the first restaurant I thought I'd go back to lightly. I'm known to be a drinker, so the recommendations were not too much of a challenge. Eating oysters or grilled scorpion fish? Or grilled sardines for sashimi? We were running out of time and money, but our worries and the amount of alcohol we consumed were never-ending. Well, after all, I am glad I only had one piece of soba for lunch, lol. I left the Nakashimaya's sake bottle and glass untouched so as not to add to the washing up because I would order more later anyway...oh no, I've got a hashtanai, haven't I? Mimuro cedar. It appeared in an oceanic wine glass because of its aroma. It was smooth and refreshing, just like water. Oh, I didn't know it was so easy to drink.... Fruity sweetness with just the right amount of banana flavor. The taste of rice sneaking out of the bottle. 13% raw sake...this is what we call "Red Fat Fat Fat" lol... I can't help but wonder if I'm being fatty! Well, this is just a blabber of my mind as a lone drinker, so please don't mind me. I don't have anyone I can ask out. Now, what's next for snacks and drinks...I wonder if my wallet will hold out....