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田中 楽
November 2018, at the usual Tora Basho, with satsuma-age and mukago as accompaniments. I had failed to get the label, so this is the information I found on the internet. The brewery is Imanishi Seibei Shoten in Nara Prefecture. It is a sake brewery founded in 1884. Super Dry" is the brewery's best-selling brand and has been for over 35 years. The characters on the neck label read "Nanto Morohaku," with "Nanto" referring to Nara and "Morohaku" referring to the "sake brewing using only white rice," which was invented in the Muromachi period (1336-1573) by the monks of Kofukuji Temple. It is a sake that carries on this tradition to the present. https://www.harushika.com/fs/harushika/c/cho-karakuchi/