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Glorious Mt.FujiCrimson Glory Pink Sapphire純米大吟醸原酒無濾過
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What is this? I have never seen such a sake degree of -64. It also has an acidity of 10.5, which I have never seen before. It is really Crimson Red, as it is made with red yeast! The aroma is suddenly sour ‼️ and more sour in the mouth! It is like peach🍑 or cherry🍒. The liquor store also said that it has a Sake degree of -64, but it doesn't seem so sweet because of the acidity. That's exactly what it is. ‼️ It also has a low alcohol content of 9.8 degrees. Fuji Shuzo has come out with an aggressive sake! Please try it once! It's sweet and sour and delicious. ‼️