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益荒男純米吟醸 生貯蔵酒純米吟醸生貯蔵酒
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At home Rice: Yamadanishiki Alcohol content: 17 Percentage: 55 Sake meter: +3 Acidity: 1.4 Bottled: 2022.7 Together with Tsuji Zenbei from the other day It is a summer sake, so it has a refreshing taste with no acridity. (And yet it is not tasteless!). Compared to Tsuji-Zenbei, it has a more mellow and elegant sweetness, due to the fact that it is once-hot brewed. (Tsuji-Zenbei is more mellow and has more flavor because it is also more acidic.) (Tsuji Zenbei is more rich and has more flavor because it also has acidity.) After that, the umami spreads gradually and subtly. (I think it is good with salted tomatoes, cucumbers, fish cakes, etc. that do not taste too strong.