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KazenomoriALPHA 4 氷結採り純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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日本酒少量飲み比べの店 酒蔵
This sake is made with a unique technique of separating sake without using any separator at all in the fermentation tank. As a result, there is a slight lees floating in the sake. The sweetness reminiscent of peaches and citrus acidity spread on the palate, and after the umami flavor spreads in the mouth, it quickly disappears, leaving behind an elegant acidity. Kaze no Mori gave the impression of a fresh and youthful sake, but this one gives the impression of having grown up since then. It has a very high degree of perfection, and like Shinmasa No. 6, it seems to have broken through the boundaries of sake and become a different kind of sake.