
Record, Know, Discover Your Favorite Sake

Apr 5, 2022 4:21 AM
九蔵兄貴ゆうじchikumoのちをジェイ&ノビィまえちんRafa papaいっくdisryflos_lingua_estひろしboukenKazKazsuperbebeマナチーポンちゃんはなぴんtakeshonののさんゆう🎶snowhondaSatochanよいどれ♪ちょびん寿梨庵どーみんランボーおふじ遥瑛チチたっく0103しんじょう紫の誇Rigel酔nosukeマルビーちゃんまやPまっつまーさんpuchiだいごういんsugix777303雅banaたくぼんMAJAlheybowえりりんたけっちenoshimaMantawishingwellひっさんもよもよKatsuぴーたまSHO@AXTねむち麺酒王うまいうまいましゃtechtechわんわんとしめりおの日本酒録hoshiakichape赤兎馬キヨ〜nbunnysatoair JnBspkh
  • Saru808🐒This is a wonderful Sake that has all of the qualities of what I look for in Sake. It has a soft smooth mouth feel with flavor of peach. It has a lingering aftertaste that is subtle and sweet. Truly elegant. This is a Japan Kampyokai Gold medal winner for 9 years.

Saru808🐒 is using Sakenowa. Why don't you start using it too?