SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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You've already picked out your labels today! See, it's the weekend, and everyone has a great week kanpai! 🎉 No, no, no, this week has been hot and then very cold, which tends to make me sick, and the temperature difference tends to irritate me, so I've been getting a lot of flak from people! Kampai 🎉 (I just want to say it and be said it) Let's have fun drinking 😙🍶💕! I picked up this sake that I had never seen before at the supermarket. I was wondering how good it would taste since it's reasonably priced, but it goes well with strong flavors! I think it is suitable for warming sake. It has a mild aroma and a smooth taste. It has a mild aroma and a smooth mouthfeel. I started with a cold sake, but the softness lingered and made me happy! I'll add more if it doesn't get too hebere by the time it's heated up.