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Niwa no Uguisunine純米大吟醸
Niwa no Uguisu Check-in 1Niwa no Uguisu Check-in 2
Slightly tangy. Slightly bitter. The sweetness, sourness, and deliciousness are all integrated without being overwhelming. It has a richness. 1980 yen. Taste level ★★☆☆☆ If it was the same Niwa no Uguisu, I preferred the Junmai Kitajima Yamadanishiki 50 that I drank before. Here is the product description This is the new "9" series. The concept is "9" (Nine). The name "9" is derived from the "9" of using Kyokai No. 9 yeast and the "9" of using rice and water produced in Kyushu. JSA No. 9 yeast is also known as "Kumamoto yeast" or "Kourou yeast" and was originally isolated from the yeast stored at the Kumamoto Sake Brewery Research Institute, where Kourou is made, around 1953. It is highly characterized by its gorgeous aroma and ginjo flavor. The acidity is gentle, and the taste is smart and soft.