From Ayagiku Shuzo, Kagawa Prefecture...
Ayagiku Sanuki Olive Junmai Namaisake
This is a pure rice sake brewed with "Oceto" from Kagawa polished to 60% and "Sanuki Olive Yeast" from olives in Shodoshima!
The fire-roasted type is available all year round, but this is a limited-quantity nama-zake available only now!
It has a fresh blue fruit aroma, a light mouthfeel, and a characteristic acidity that reminds one of tropical fruits such as lychee and passion fruit, which is thicker than the fire-aged type!
The characteristic acidity, reminiscent of tropical fruits such as lychee and passionfruit, is thicker than that of the fire-aged type!
The overall freshness of the wine is balanced by the firm acidity that gives it a thicker body and a good astringency that gives it a nice finish.
It is a perfect match not only with Japanese food, but also with Western food such as French and Italian food!
Rice used: ・・・・ 100% Ouseto from Kagawa Prefecture
Rice polishing ratio: 60
Yeast used: Sanuki olive yeast
Sake meter degree: -1.5 (slightly sweet)
Acidity: ・・・・・2.3
Alcohol content・・・17度