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Glorious Mt.Fuji星天航路 純米大吟醸 無濾過生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Eikoufuji's unfiltered, unfiltered, unfiltered, unfiltered, unfiltered, unfiltered, unfiltered, unfiltered sake is never a miss. It's a must. This one is "Hoshitenkouro" because it is made from rice called "Comet" from Hokkaido. My image of Eiko Fuji is sweet and rich, but this one is quite refreshing. It has a nice aroma, so it seems sweet, but it is not as rich and sweet. Looking at the label, I found the sake level to be 0.0 and the acidity to be +1.8, which is slightly high. This is a refreshing summer sipper, and we recommend drinking it on the rocks or with soda. It is not too strong, so it might be good as a food sake.