SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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立ち呑み処 よね屋
Gentle sweet, sour and bitter all in one. My first red dragonfly. I finally conquered the seasonal items (snowman, cherry blossom OHANAMI, stag beetle and red dragonfly) of the sacred birds. The aroma is pleasantly alcoholic and centered around a pleasant alcohol, with a sweet and sour taste that is typical of a sentry, which is very promising. On the palate, the first thing you get is a muscat-like sweet and sour taste and a rice flavor. Then the elegant bitterness and alcohol taste comes out. It's like all the flavors of Japanese sake are in there. But it's not overly loud, everything is gentle and harmonious. It's delicious. If I were to compare it to Ghibli, it would be Kiki's letter at the end of Kiki's Delivery Service. There is a calmness that comes from experiencing a lot. There's a refreshing sense of nostalgia, like a high school student who has grown up and remembers her junior high school days. Satisfaction: ★★★★ . I have a blog. You can visit my blog from the link in the profile section if you like.