SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Takachiyo純米酒 その他色々純米
Takachiyo Check-in 1Takachiyo Check-in 2
Takachiyo Check-in 3Takachiyo Check-in 4
[10/17-18 on vacation] Comparison of Japanese Sake in Niigata. At a restaurant reserved for me by my colleague at my company in Niigata. It looks like a place where you can compare 88 different types of junmai sake from 88 different breweries in Niigata. The system is similar to that of a sake brewery. We drank many different kinds of sake, so I'll post them all at once. (It just smells like a hassle to post them individually lol) (1) Takachiyo Junmai-Shu ...It was dry but full-bodied and rewarding to drink. (2) It Key ...It's a very sweet sake when it's opened, but it has a sour taste that makes it easier to drink, probably because of the time it took to open the bottle. (3) Benihisa Kubota ...Kubota, who doesn't drink for any reason. The entrance is clean, the aftertaste is crisp and easy to pair with a meal. Minenohakubai Junmai Sake ...A full-bodied, sweet, honors sake. 5) Abe Junmai Sake ...The sweetness is there, but it's still a modern flavored drink. (6) Hakkisan Junmai Ginjo ...It's a slightly dry and unconventional drink. There's no doubt that it's easy to drink. 7) Itaru: Junmai sake ...Sake from Sado Island. It's quite fruity and I personally liked it.