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Purchased 2/28 Classic sweet sake aroma Full of flavor, yet It has a very pleasant aftertaste. The aftertaste is very pleasant. You can feel the careful craftsmanship. ⭕️ At last year's go-around A lot of people told me I should go there. You can do tasting without a car. Unfortunately I had to drive this time, but next time! One more reason to go to Sapporo: ⭕️ A ridiculously attractive liquor store: ⭕️ Rice: Gohyakumangoku, Koshiibuki (Niigata rice) Rice polishing ratio: 70 Alcohol percentage: 15.0%. Sake meter: (-) 10.0 Acidity: 1.8L Amino acidity: 1.4 dinner rice, nameko mushroom miso soup, squid sprouts holjin udon noodles and raw egg