SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
笹の誉生どぶろく POP EMOTION 冬季限定 微発泡
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rare occurrence Smells like a flower. Like a rose. Sake is amazing. Slightly effervescent. Rice is in abundance. Not too sweet and easy to drink. You can finish it quickly. Sasai Shuzo's fresh doburoku launch event, Feb. 8 and 9 The event is to have doburoku drawn in a pot and wait for the president to put the label on it in a separate room while chatting with the store keeper (personal impression). You can buy the already-filled bottles at a later date. They plan to offer a variety of doburoku in the future. Blowout warning. This type of sake is familiar to sake drinkers, but they need to sell it where they can see it in order to prevent unfortunate accidents from happening to those who are not. So you have to go to the brewery to buy it. The difficulty of obtaining it is too much in favor of the locals.