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Yamamotoミッドナイトブルー 純米吟醸純米吟醸
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酒丸 市民市場店
A guest from Sendai drank this and requested me to drink it too! Mr. Yamamoto also enjoyed this sake! My favorite sake. I can't remember what it tastes like these days. But I enjoyed talking with the other guests. I lost track of time! It's a good night 🌉. extensive knowledge This is a sister product of Yamamoto Pure Black. The "Komachi yeast R-5" used is a new yeast selected and isolated from Hana-Komachi yeast by the Akita Prefectural Brewing Experiment Station, and produces a light type of sake with a gorgeous aroma and taste. It is a ginjo yeast that has won a gold medal at the National New Sake Competition. Rice used: Akita Sake Komachi Rice polishing ratio: 50-55 Yeast used: Komachi yeast R-5 Sake meter degree: -- Acidity: -- Alcohol percentage: 16